Blog Progress: 136 Days!

By Jonathan Lam on 11/25/17

Tagged: site

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There's nothing special about 136 days. But this blog is something special to me! (And EiS currently has 64 posts, so that's cool too).

I was urged to write this post by my own eagerness. As you might have noticed in the last few days, I've been quite hyper both with posting on EiS and with my outside life. Having Thanksgiving break certainly helped as well. There are just some things that I'd like to take note of before I forget, ideas that go past the limitations of the skimpy "TODO" file I've been using to keep track of upcoming changes.

From its conception, there has been surprisingly little change. It is actually still morphing in the direction of how I originally imagined it to be, not away from that idea. For example, what I would still like to implement includes limiting the number of posts viewed per page, a standard for viewing images in posts, improving the use of visuals throughout the site, a comments section, and easier navigation through posts.

The only pending change I have that I did not imagine needing was to number the posts. This was a system on THL in a database-oriented system. Numbering was helpful to keep the files sorted chronologically. On EiS, the filesystem and JSON-based posts don't require post numbering, but numbering could certainly keep the posts organized. This probably won't happen until all of the THL posts have been migrated to EiS.

Lastly, as I've noted earlier, I would like to make this site more colorful. It's monochromatic. While it might be something I thought was modern and clean a few months ago, my grandmother would probably tell me that it's ugly. Or depressing. Because she doesn't know too much English she'll probably say there's too much text as well.

All these changes will come in good time. But with so many exciting projects (Safe Rides, Barlow Bowling, learning to develop for Android, a hackathon, etc.) going on in the meantime, I don't know exactly when. I've been typing non-stop for over two-hours, what with college essays and EiS. Good night!


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I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it.

Groucho Marx