Post Viewing Updates

By Jonathan Lam on 01/25/16

Tagged: the-homework-life the-homework-life-site

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Main update: The site is back up again with new updates for the length of site posts. Before, the site would show all of them at full length, with images clipped. Now, it shows all but the first post as clipped at 800 pixels in height. This allows you to easier browse the posts without scrolling as much (especially on small screens such as the iPhone). You can still see the title, the same amount of clipped image, and enough of the introduction of the post in order to get a good idea of what is going on.

A shortened post will say "Expand" when hovered over. To view the whole post, just click on it. To shorten a post, just click on it in the same way. Images no longer expand or get clipped independently of the post; instead, it is expanded or shortened along with the post.

Other Site Improvements:

  • There was a problem that didn't allow searching for the most recent post, and exclusion of the most recent post from searching "[all]". It should work now.
  • I've created a new script designed to make all of the publications uniformly styled in a simple way such as with in the last post, complete with the snippet.

There are a few quirks and sizing issues with the updates that I'm working on, but it should help improve the readability of the site.


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Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining or testing your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

Dave Carhart