Diary of a College Kid
By Jonathan Lam on 02/27/19
Tagged: site diary
Previous post: Introducing Remeet!
Next post: On Developing a Linux Driver
Hi everyone! Life has been so busy recently, and I think it's time to get back to writing regularly. My hoarder sense wants preservation.
For now, because it's 3:45a.m., this will only be a brief summary of the lively past day-and-a-half. Hopefully more will come soon if I can get myself to write so often.
- It's A's b-day today! So yesterday we went out on a whim at 11:00p.m. to bake an avocado cake because she loves avocados. By 1:00a.m., cake was finished. It actually smelled very good for a first attempt at cooking, but not at all like avocados, for better or worse. We managed to cook it in a reused food tin container and a microwave oven.
- After my single class today, there was a career fair. Time for dress-up in a full suit (a lent grey jacket) and tie. It was awkward at first but easier as the event went on— I quickly realized that I shouldn't be afraid of saying that I was a freshman looking for opportunities in future years, which buffeted any immediate "oh yeah, we don't accept freshmen." Some companies were very upfront and unwelcoming even after I said that and told me to just come back later, but I asked every company I approached what kind of experience they were looking for. Hopefully something stood out. (For future self reference, companies I liked were Newport Shipbuilders, Keyrus, Moody's, Bluestamp Engineering, and Red Balloon Security. Most of these were looking for talent and had amazing reps. On the other hand, Rubenstein Tech. and MaXentric were particularly unfriendly, but the web dev opportunities at Rubenstein seemed very relevant to my work. E-J Electric Installation Co. and the NYS Department of Transportation seemed very eager to hire freshmen for internships, but the work seems to be mindless tasks their main engineers can't be bothered to complete.)
- Right after the career fair, I had an interview for a position for the school's computer center student operator. PSA: don't break the number one rule of the computer center in front of an operator at the computer center. I also spent 40 minutes waiting for an interviewer that happened to be sitting right behind me. Luckily, the interview was very fair and felt better than the time last semester.
- Just as I got back, I had to face the disappointment of my grandma because I haven't eaten all of the food she's been giving me and some of it is getting old. I'm sorry but there's too much food here.
- A's b-day celebration! We ate much pasta for dinner. A and T had to leave off to a class (and a quiz), but returned and we surprised A with the avocado cake! Turned out alright. After a lot of talk about judging people on sight and its necessity/ethics, we disbanded.
- So much homework. I spent the past three hours to finish just over the homework for one chapter for physics class. I really hope the quiz is not tomorrow.
There's so much more to say, but sleep calls.