Dream Catcher: 08/10/17
By Jonathan Lam on 08/10/17
Tagged: dream-catcher
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I actually remember quite a bit from my dream last night and from a nap I took earlier today. Here's the first, somewhat-disturbing part of last night's dream:
We were at some sort of party at a large house. I think it was a business party of my dad's, and our entire atomic family was present. At some point I recall my dad leaving elsewhere in the party to "let his hair set correctly," as if he had just showered — that part isn't very clear but it stuck out to me for its absurdity. I don't remember much of the party, but I do remember leaving. It was dark out. At that point, I was in bad need of using the restroom (I have a tiny bladder, so this isn't an uncommon problem), but we had to return to the mansion because my dad had to talk to the host(ess?) of the party for a moment. I think the house was well-lit and empty, and perhaps we didn't find him or her.
When we went back outside, my grandma (I don't remember if she was at the party) said she would help me find a place to relieve my bladder. We went to a dark building, which turned out to be one of the public restrooms you can find in parks. Before I went, she told me to be quiet, and summoned a spell that sucked the water out of the drainage (just from the floor and not the urinals, toilets, or sinks, thank goodness), turned into a liquid dark like blood (it was difficult to see without any lighting but the moon through a window). I don't remember any exchange of words, but the bloody substance flowed through the door and, as we followed its path out of the door, was engulfing some other witch that I knew was the first witch's (at this point, she wasn't my grandma anymore) sister. I knew too that she and the first witch were some sort of enemies, and we were being followed by the second witch on our way to the restroom building.
I don't remember any more from that dream. I don't remember if I ever managed to relieve myself. Here's another section that I remember:
I imagined we were in some Indian marketplace at some point in daytime, and we were riding on blankets held up by walking people. It was some paid tour we were taking, and I remember wanting or trying to get off but not doing so for the sake of the spent money. We disembarked at a colorful fur store. I couldn't tell if the fur was real or synthetic. T, a girl with dyed hair I know, was standing next to a piece of fur material that was the same color as her hair.
The next thing I remember from this dream was that I was sitting in a classroom (I believe this was part of the same dream just because of the closeness of these dreams that I think I remember).
There was a slideshow presentation that everyone was supposed to have prepared, along with a few-minute-long verbal presentation. I wasn't very prepared with either; I had verbal cues written on a stack of foam paper plates (impromptu index cards, I believe) and I had forgotten the powerpoint. I remember opening my computer (I had a thin notebook in my dream, which I don't have in real life) between other people's presentations, trying to quickly create a visual presentation like everyone else's in between their presentations. Luckily, I was saved from presenting by the bell, and I rushed out, relieved.
The next part is a short snippet that I also remember from last night, although I'm not sure what other part(s) it is connected to.
My older sister and I had just come back from the ocean, where we had found a necklace. We were at some Southeast-Asian town (Korean, I believe?) and by that time the treasure from the sea that we had found was a pair of eyeglasses and we were trying to buy a case for it.
There was a major contention between my sister and the workers at a glasses store that we were interacting with that glasses usually come with a case and therefore they don't sell cases, or something along those lines, or maybe it was just translational confusion and misunderstanding. I'm not really sure. I do remember that the store front opened out on the street (almost like a street vendor, but built into the wall of a building), and that that store we visited was the only one open at that hour of the night. There was a bright moon in this one as well.
This last piece is from a nap I took earlier today.
It was rainy, and I was running. I don't really remember who was with me, but I believe it was just my older sister. We were running along a sidewalk in a grassy area sandwiched between water on the left side and a street on the right side. I remember thinking that the sidewalk, which curved its way through the grass, was infinite, and that I could continue going down that grassy avenue forever.
At some point I was running along a simple sidewalk (not in a grassy area) that had road on the left and water on the right. I think I was running on the very edge next to the water, which I believe was my mental recreation of a certain bay in New York City.
There was a crowd of people on the left at some point on the sidewalk around the opening to an underground subway terminal on the left. I (we?) pushed past the crowd to a lower level, which was blocked off by the seatbelt line-dividers you might see at an airport customs line or an amusement park (stanchions, I just discovered they were called). There was no movement, but there weren't guards either, so I passed the stanchions and it turned out that the building was a sort of art gallery, and we were on the highest floor. We ran around and walked downstairs, and security was called on us. Eventually we reached the ground floor and walked outside, which was not at all like the city and rather a villa-style outdoors at night, like a Gilded Era mansion. It was nighttime, but the house/museum behind us was illuminated brightly.
At that time I remember another person exiting the museum from another doorway, saluting us (perhaps for also having evaded the authorities while trespassing through the museum), and then going back into the building.
We continued walking along the driveway, away from the building, until the police caught up to us. There was minimal confusion or fright; we kind of let them arrest us. At that point I was well aware of my sister and some unknown baby brother I don't have were with me, and I am almost as sure that my parents were too. I don't remember any of them, except for perhaps my sister, at the beginning of this dream.
I remember getting into small, early-20th century roadsters, and all of us arrestees complaining that the treatment of the baby, who had not fit in the car and thus had to be held on to by the hands and held outside the walls of the car, as unreasonable. The drivers also drove very quickly, and the last part of the dream I remember was stopping very suddenly in front of a red light, behind another car; we just barely stopped in time to avoid a crash.
What crazy dreams I dreamt! It's interesting, considering that I never read any genre so surreal as these dreams, but I guess that is the nature of dreams. Maybe it was all the calculus from last night.