Dream Catcher: 08/13/17
By Jonathan Lam on 08/13/17
Tagged: dream-catcher
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I was visiting colleges, but I'm not really sure who made the list that I was visiting. The first college we visited was situated in a mountainous jungle with a rock platform and precipice that we sat outside on. I think that's all of the first "college."
Next on the tour was Howl's Moving Castle. But I don't remember actually getting there. There was just the thought in my mind.
Which then brought me to the idea that maybe this wasn't actually a college tour. But something had put that idea in my head, and I hadn't had time to reason that out by the time I was in the next dream I remember.
I was traveling with our family and a couple, probably friends of my parents. I believe we were visiting a city, probably a European metropolis, because I remember having a bird's-eye view of the industrial city at some point. I don't remember much of the tour around except for a gambling center (which I only remember from a later part of the dream) and that the husband of the couple had passed away, and the wife had gone to his funeral.
The next part involved going into the gambling center, which resembled a supermarket like Stop and Shop from the outside and a golf club from the inside. We had visited this place with the couple, and now we (just me and the grieving woman?) were visiting again.
Somehow I ended up talking to a rich, senior man at the place, which did end up becoming a rich-old-men gathering, who had philanthropic intentions. At some point in the conversation, and I forget what exactly triggered the spark, he stood up and proclaimed that he would give away all his money to the gambling center ("All 6.32 million of it"), to which he received a round of applause.
Then we were presented with the proposals of how the center was intending to spend the money. The first was from an employee of the center, who had invented a device that heated up a spot on the floor using a heated brown liquid to a comfortable temperature for people to sit on. I wasn't sure of the practical purposes for that, but nobody questioned it and we moved on. The second proposal was the building of a bridge or bridge system that connected Boston, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and New Jersey (in my dream, these were the major financial centers of the Tri-State area-plus-Boston. For some reason, New Jersey was disproportionally far from NYC and Boston was extremely close.
I remember proposing that a tunnel system might be better, but I forget how the crowd responded.
The last part I remember is working with the old man and the inventor of the floor-spot-heater, setting up a communications room (presumably the beginnings of their company office). I remember us all looking ridiculous with so many random wires and antennas around us.
I'm still so surprised how evasive memories are. Had I not recorded notes from this dream the moment I woke up, I would have completely lost it. And just before checking the notes again, I had completely no recollection at all of these two dreams until the notes enlightened me and I was thrust back into those strange worlds.