Final Site Updates (for now)

By Jonathan Lam on 01/27/16

Tagged: the-homework-life the-homework-life-site

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I've made a ton of site improvements recently, and I think it's time to start winding down and thinking about the posts and the content themselves. I'll still be developing little projects in the background, but I'll try to write more meaningful posts and focus less on improving the site, which is already full functional and pretty bug-free. But if I see something wrong, I'll fix it.

This last update added a new feature to see a list of posts in the About section as well as the projects, improved the interface for the About section, fixed a few overlapping elements, and fixed the bug when viewing a post directly from a post URL..

As a bonus, here above is a TheHomeworkLife wallpaper if you want. (It's 1366x768px, so it may be a bit small for your screen if you're not using a standard LCD monitor; you could probably expand it in an image editor if necessary). Here on the right is another one that I made today, without hat nor text, but still the main logo nonetheless. Enjoy!


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America is a country where half the money is spent buying food, and the other half is spent trying to lose weight.
