Keep Calm and Study on ... Christmas?
By Jonathan Lam on 12/21/15
Tagged: the-homework-life the-homework-life-opinion
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Christmas and its cheer comes near! And yet … so do midterms.
It's understandable that there might be scheduling conflicts and the end of the semester is right after break, but it doesn't feel right to study on Christmas, or any other holiday. Sure, that motivation is what you need to get ahead, but forcing everybody to worry about the two weeks following break is horrendous.
This is the kind of "sorta-studied" kind of feeling that happens over a long break when you have the time to study but feel really guilty that you haven't for an unproductive (albeit fun) activity.
Unfortunately, I don't really have any great solution for this (and neither does the Board of Ed., apparently), except to move our extremely-early school year back a few weeks. It's possible but it's highly unlikely.
Personally, I'll try to get some good studying in for the midterms, but it'll be difficult when family is over. But I'll try. Merry Christmas! Have fun studying!
(And it's amazing how many "Keep-Calm-and-Study-on-Christmas" images there are out there. Check it out!