My Apologies
By Jonathan Lam on 05/23/16
Tagged: the-homework-life the-homework-life-thought
Previous post: Welp
Next post: Five Minutes
I'm sorry, Mrs. Huminski, that I wrote I "hate" writing essays in my Sophomore Speakout. I didn't mean it— I'm just a math person, that's all. Please don't hate me.
I'm sorry, track team, that I couldn't make qualifying times. The cross country team, because I didn't run over the summer. I didn't try hard enough in the off season, and I decided to wreck my hip almost immediately. My bad. My fault.
I'm sorry, my family, that I haven't done enough test preparation and volunteer work and whatever colleges look for nowadays, just because I've been lazy and haven't had the motivation. If I don't get into a good college, I know why.
I'm sorry, all the people I've neglected or utterly confused or left mixed messages with because I have seriously impaired communication skills, both in speech and in writing. I've got to work on that.
I'm sorry, myself, if I haven't lived up to my standards. I'm writing a blog post to my own shameless self.
Oh well. My apologies. Five minutes is up. Got to sleep now. Goodnight.