By Jonathan Lam on 05/31/16
Tagged: the-homework-life the-homework-life-other
Previous post: Professional Kids
Next post: Warm Up Champion
I didn't realize that it had been so long since I had previously written a post. Five days. Five days? That went quickly.
For starters, it was a long weekend, with Memorial Day in the mix. Secondly, I had lots of studying to get done. Thirdly, I had other coding concerns with my sister, some of which is put onto GitHub. In addition, I have created another personal project, a customizable new-tab page, blank-new-tab.
But I'm just reciting off useless information. This has become more of a log of my daily life than anything else. And, in a way, I'd like to keep it at that. Because however uninteresting my life is, I need an outlet. Something to vent my angers, my frustrations, my sadnesses, however slight any of them may be. I want to express my feelings and my First Amendment rights in a simple way, on the most simple, creative, open forum ever: the Internet. And so I'll continue "blogging" about my life and continue to reassure myself that this is working with little posts like this.
Because it is working. I think.
The truth is, I had my Sophomore Speakout last Thursday, my Frankenstein essay due last Monday, and my Final coming up on Friday. And there's a big synthesis essay, of which I'm not sure I can come up with anything original. What could I write about? My own fear of writing? And incorporate it into the main texts of the year?
Anyways, time's up. I'm beginning to doubt the five minute time limit I'm setting. Perhaps back to the fifteen minute one?