Steamed Buns
By Jonathan Lam on 05/22/16
Tagged: the-homework-life the-homework-life-thought
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a really random freewrite: a dialogue of my minds
Let's go baking! said my bored mind.
What should we bake? said my inquisitive mind.
Ooh— let's go experiment! said my creative mind.
No— let's make some steamed buns, said my experienced mind.
I've got the ingredients, said my hardworking mind.
I've mixed them together, said my zealous mind.
I followed the recipe. Why isn't it working? said my frustrated mind.
Let's add some more milk, said my innovative mind.
Oh no! What if they don't rise? said my worried mind.
Yes! They're rising! said my hopeful mind.
Oops! I might've burnt it! said my anxious mind.
Nope— you're all good, said my comforting mind.
Thirty-eight steamed buns? The recipe called for twelve! said my confused mind.
I've got the steamer ready! said my proactive mind.
Are they done yet? said my impatient mind.
Yummy steamed buns! cried my satisfied mind.