We the Future
By Da Superiorestpersoneva on 07/18/17
Tagged: essay
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I got a 2400 on my SATs!!!!!
Just kidding.
But if I did, maybe then I could've been one of the few elite kids that actually stood a chance amongst the pool of the elitest, smartest, bestest, ivy-league applicants.
I could've gotten into a college of the highest caliber, to a school where every professor has dedicated his or her life to their one subject, to a place where the majority of students are not only smart, but motivated, and just as dedicated as their educators. I could've been in a place where I'm constantly being pushed to my limits, to work faster, to work harder, to be "better".
And of course, I could only have achieved that with the rare and highly sought after jewel: a perfect score on the SATs. Because only after that could I have proudly added that prize onto my golden platter of highly polished college essays and hand it over to college admission officers. Only then could I have the luxury of watching them, as chefs watch Gordon Ramsey examine a plate. And only then could I have prayed and hoped that I would finally get a hard-won "well done".
And only then would I have won the lottery of the college admissions process.
But I didn't get a 2400. And I didn't pick the exclusive ivies. Instead, I found (surprise surprise) a place that will push me to my limits, to work faster, to work harder, to be "better", a place in a program with motivated, dedicated, and compassionate people. I've found a place just as good (Not to mention it was without the added burden of a 70 k pricetag).
So guess what kids, you don't need an ivy to win.