One Foot Down
By Jonathan Lam on 05/19/16
Tagged: the-homework-life the-homework-life-thought
Previous post: Tired
Next post: Doubly Motivated
On this note, don’t let me catch you inactive. Idle. Purpose-less. Because every time you find yourself bored, know that there’s a great receptacle of knowledge out there, embroidered in every seam of our experiences. Just pick up your pen and jump on a train of thought; if you can run fast enough and catch it, you’ll never lose steam.
Sitting at my computer nearing 11:00p.m., I write this, my own train of thought lost. This was supposed to be my call to action; although it seemed an interesting play on words— there's a repetition of train vocabulary— it just added more to my essay, more to my essay that takes six minutes out of the maximum five. And I haven't even achieved my goal of creating a call to action.
Meanwhile, my head is on a wall, one leg is propped up on the counter chair and the other is "grounded" on the floor— a technique I've learned yesterday that will keep me awake. It's designed to give me one extra discomfort, one more conscious reminder of my own measly existence.
But this is all a description. All a narcissistic little moment in my life. My life that you shouldn't care about. I'm complaining, writing, blogging to achieve meaning. Have I achieved anything? Have I answered my question? Args. It's frustrating.
I'm attempting to finish up my Sophomore Speakout Incendiary, a motivational speech about self-initiated learning. And here I am, attempting to motivate myself. I'm writing and blogging. Blogging and writing. Attempting to stay out of an idle spiral and
Five minutes is up already. Oh well. See you tomorrow.
And sorry for not writing yesterday. I was busy.