By Jonathan Lam on 05/18/16
Tagged: the-homework-life the-homework-life-thought
Previous post: Confused Motivation
Next post: One Foot Down
This is going to be a short one. Five minutes only. Because I'm tired and it's late. Quick typing. Yikes!
I just got back from a track meet. Although we (presumably) lost to three of the best teams in the league, I did what I had to. I ran a personal best in the mile with a 5:13, and then died and ran a terrible 800m, 3200m, and 4x400m relay. It was somewhat of a "fun" meet though, because there really was no pressure on myself except for my own motivation on the mile. And because I completed the mile with a desired time, I was relaxed.
And then I got back at 8:45. After some tidying up and eating, I began to do homework at 9:30. And here I am, after doing homework, writing a short blog post at 1:30 in the morning. My own motivation. A self-assigned homework assignment for English class.
And yes, I'm tired. Why do I do this? Why do I run track, track that lets me out at 8:45 on some days? It's tiring. My mind cannot really function. I am not writing eloquently or breaking any rules "artfully," but instead breaking rules by slipping and falling on them and breaking them like glass. Hey, cool! A metaphor! If only I could do that more often.
I'm still just experimenting, just letting my thoughts go free. But time's almost up now, so I'll stop soon. Good night, laptop! Have a nice nap without my heavy demands of you!
Oh great, I've begun talking to my laptop. But I'm just trying someth—